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Kyoto Protocol and Beyond: The Economic Cost to Five Countries

International Council for Capital Formation
October, 2002

These studies assess the marginal costs of carbon dioxide abatement accounting for projected changes in other greenhouse gases, and the resulting economic costs for Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, Italy and the United Kingdom (full studies available below).

While the Kyoto Protocol established limits for participating countries’ emissions from six greenhouse gases, these analyses analyze the costs of reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) from energy use after taking into account reductions in the other greenhouse gases that were projected by reliable sources. There was no attempt to quantify the cost of these reductions in the analyses.

These studies were prepared for the International Council for Capital Formation, although the views expressed are strictly those of the authors.

These studies were prepared under the direction of Mary H. Novak, Managing Director, Energy Consulting.

The Economic Impact of Greenhouse Gas Reductions on Selected EU Countries (PDF)

Kyoto Protocol and Beyond: The Economic Cost to Germany (PDF)

Kyoto Protocol and Beyond: The Economic Cost to the Netherlands (PDF)

Kyoto Protocol and Beyond: The Economic Cost to the Spain (PDF)

Kyoto Protocol and Beyond: The Economic Cost to the United Kingdom (PDF)

Kyoto Protocol and Beyond: The Economic Cost to Italy (PDF)

L'impatto sull'economia Italiana dell'adozione del Protocollo di Kyoto e delle ulteriori riduzioni di emissioni di gas ad effetto serra previste dopo il 2012 (PDF)


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